Day 314: Kindergarten, startup stuff
I wanted to start the day with a run, but like so many mornings before this one, I just couldn't be bothered. I've really fallen out of the habit.
Instead, I managed to knock over another unit of my real estate licence course by 9:30am. It turned out to be a short and sweet unit, which was great. I'm happy to be down to only four units to go by the end of Kindergarten. It's not the highly optimistic progress that I'd hoped, but being down to the last quarter of the course is still a nice milestone to go into the school holidays at.
To atone for my lack of running, I ended up wandering all over the neighbourhood instead. First in one direction to drop a dish back to Kelley, then in another direction to the post office to mail off the assessment, and then back the other way again to put a brochure in a prospect's mailbox. Google Fit was very happy with me.
After doing a bunch of random stuff at home, I caught a bus into the city for a lunch meeting, and then a taxi home in time to pick Zoe up from Kindergarten.
We popped out to Bunnings to pick up a tap timer for the common area gardens, and then got home before the storm of the day hit.
I did a spot of baking for Zoe's Kindergarten end of year morning tea, and Sarah arrived to pick Zoe up.
The storm didn't really produce much other than a spectacular light show. I haven't seen so much lightning since being back in Brisbane, and it was very impressive. I did miss a good electrical storm living in California...
I closed out the day with a nice yoga class.