That is the question.
Never before has a University census date been something I have been
eyeballing so closely. I am in two minds about whether or not to persist
with this semester's study.
Well there is a reasonable chance that I won't be in the country come exam
time. The conundrum becomes: do I risk that I will, persist with my study,
blow my fees, and hope I'm here (and pass my exams)? Or do I want to spend
my final days in the country relaxing a bit more? That option is starting to
appeal to me. Especially given that I really don't feel like I've engaged
terribly well this semester with all the other distractions in my life
lately (potential changes in employment, marriage, overseas trips, excessive
trips to Brisbane).
That and the two courses I'm doing are a combination of damn hard and damn
boring: Software Design
is boring, and Concurrent and Distributed Systems is
extremely hard, with a track record in failing students (quite a few are
repeating it). To cap it off, the boring one is actually more important as
far as prerequisites for third year go.
I already feel behind. I have two assignments on the boil
right now (one of them a group one), and I'm going to Brisbane for the
weekend, so this weekend is a write-off.
So I can spend every night next week at Uni, as well as all of next weekend,
and flog myself silly, and I might just get somewhere remotely close to back
on track again, just to find out that I have to withdraw further down the
track anyway (possibly with academic as well as financial consequences) or I
can just withdraw now, presumably get my money back, and not get a blight on
my record.
The one downside to doing this is it fucks up my original (and future) plans
for returning full-time and knocking over 3rd year in one hit. I'd still be
two courses shy of graduating.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to get this degree. Sometimes I wonder
if it really matters. Then I remember how close I came to probably not being
able to get a US work visa at all because of my lack of a degree, and
I remember...
Sigh. Waiting sucks.