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Thursday, 27 October 2005

Last CLUG meeting for a while

Tonight was my last CLUG meeting for a while, and it was a pretty good one.

We didn't have a whole lot of structure to the meeting. Bob gave a couple of short talks. I gave a short talk off the cuff about the wonders of LVM. Hugh showed off some virtual reality goggle things. Alex tried to have a bit of a hackfest on Coda, but I think there was a general lack of Coda fu, so that didn't get very far unfortunately.

Steve Walsh has kindly offered to take over as the person behind the shell script that schedules the meetings, and I've moved it from caesar (in the cupboard at home on the end of an ADSL connection) to daedalus in Brisbane, so it will continue to be accessible while I'm relocating.

I'm looking forward to checking out SVLUG and BALUG (which seems to have fallen off the Internet (from home) at time of writing, looks like someone needs to read the IETF's BCP #16).

[06:09] [clug] [permalink]

Monday, 26 September 2005


Ozlabs have a band! Cool!

[13:58] [clug] [permalink]

Thursday, 23 June 2005

Quotable quote

Mikal: Dude, I run everything as root. Do you think I'd be running a firewall?

While trying to get a point-to-point Ethernet connection to work between our laptops at this month's meeting.

[02:18] [clug] [permalink]

Thursday, 23 September 2004

September meeting

Tonight Richard Alexander from Cougar Computers gave a talk about a bid Cougar has made for an RFP to provide a cluster for APAC.

The solution Cougar has put forward is AMD Opteron based, and it was interesting to get an overview of how the Opteron SMP architecture works.

Over pizza, Michael asked if I was planning on open sourcing my CLUG meeting scheduler as a "LUG in a box". I hadn't thought about it, but I have written it reasonably modularly, so if I polished it up a bit more and made a few more things more readily configurable, I guess I could release it. I've never considered anything I've written to be of a high enough standard, or of enough general applicability to warrant getting released, but hey, maybe this will be different.

[14:45] [clug] [permalink]