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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Day 322: Suspected chicken pox and laying low

At bath time last night, Zoe had some spots on her torso. Interestingly, he first reaction upon seeing them in the mirror was "Chicken!". I was more sceptical, because she's been vaccinated for chicken pox, and wasn't showing other symptoms. I thought it may have been from crawling along the tree branch. So I put her to bed and said we would check them in the morning.

After a good night's sleep, but a ridiculously early start at 5am, she still had spots, but was otherwise fine, so I decided to make a doctor's appointment. I managed to get one for 12:15am, so we just hung out at home in the morning, and Zoe watched some TV. It was ridiculously hot, so it was a good day to be indoors with the air conditioning cranked up.

After an early lunch, we went to the doctor. She said that Zoe had a slight fever, but she was also doubtful if it looked like chicken pox. She said to give it 48 hours to see what happened. She said if it was chicken pox, it'd be a mild case, given she's vaccinated.

I guess the school holidays is as good a time as any to be out of commission. Hopefully we both won't go too stir crazy.

She also said that given how Zoe was presenting we didn't need to go too overboard on isolation, so we made a quick trip out to Westfield Carindale to pick up some birthday cards, before heading home again.

Zoe's temperature got a bit higher in the afternoon, and she ended up taking a long, late nap on the couch. I used the time to work on the next unit of my real estate licence course, and made some good progress.

I pretty much had to wake her up when it was time for Sarah to pick her up, and she still had a low grade fever, but was otherwise in good spirits.

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