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Andrew Pollock


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Friday, 07 November 2014

Day 282: A day with a nanny, REIQ course, family fun night

The REIQ was offering a one day "Starting an agency" course, which seemed too good to pass up. Unfortunately, being on a Friday, and not wanting to cause Zoe to miss out on Tumble Tastics, I had to get a nanny in, instead of just sticking her in day care for the day.

After getting some recommendations from friends on Facebook, and doing price comparisons, I went with Nanny's R Us.

They had to do a last minute swap, but everything worked out fine, and even with a 30 minute late start due to traffic, I got to my course on time.

The course was well worth it, and I got some useful information that I'd been lacking to date. The course instructor also happened to be the trainer who is marking my next four units of my real estate license course, so it was nice to meet him in the flesh.

The course finished a bit earlier than the advertised time, so I used the time to run some errands I was planning on doing on Monday.

Zoe's future primary school had a "family fun night", which started at 3pm, so I'd asked the nanny to take Zoe to that and met them there at 5pm. It was a pretty good night, and Zoe had lots of fun on the rides.

[03:26] [life] [permalink]

Day 281: Movieworld

My friends Chris and Kelly were holidaying on the Gold Coast with their daughter Alyssa, and I made plans to catch up with them at Movieworld on Thursday.

The day went super well. We timed our arrival for right on opening time, and quickly found them. Zoe and Alyssa got along really well.

The highlight of the day (for me) was that Zoe managed to be allowed onto the Scooby Doo ride in the morning. I think technically she was still a tiny bit under the height restriction, as a different attendant didn't let her on again in the afternoon.

Zoe was initially too scared by the dark in the queuing area and wanted to leave again, but the attendant talked her into going on the ride, and we had a great time. It's my favourite ride so far, in terms of length. Zoe turned around and went on it again straight away.

The other ride that we got heaps of mileage out of was the Hall of Justice ride, which Zoe has been on the first time we went, but the second time was too scared to go on. This time, her and Alyssa probably went on it 10 times in a row.

It was a really great day out, and I even got to go on the Green Lantern ride with Kelly, which was all over surprisingly quickly.

I expected Zoe to fall asleep instantly in the car on the way back, but she stayed away chattering away and playing with the Scooby Doo toy that Alyssa had bought her.

We got back with enough time to do a couple of post office runs and pick up Anshu from the ferry terminal, before Sarah arrived to pick up Zoe.

[03:04] [life] [permalink]