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Andrew Pollock


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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Day 273: Kindergarten, more startup stuff, and another Prep day

I had another busy day today. I've well and truly falled off the running wagon, which I really need to fix rather urgently. I would have liked to have gone for a run this morning, but it didn't happen.

I started off with a chiropractic adjustment, and then a bit of random cooking to use up some perishables, before the cleaners arrived.

While the cleaners were here, I managed to knock over another unit of my real estate course, which I was pretty stoked about. I'll try and get it in the mail tomorrow, and that's the last one from the first half of the course done.

I grabbed a massage, and then headed over to pick up Zoe early from Kindergarten to take her to school for another Prep introduction session. I really like Zoe's school. This year for the first time they're running a four week program where the kids can come for a couple of hours.

Today it was fine and gross motor skills. They divided the group in half, and Zoe's half did fine motor skills first. The kids rotated through three different stations, which all had three or four activities each. Zoe did pretty well with these.

Then the groups swapped over, and we returned to the hall where we started, to do some gross motor skills. I would have thought this would have been right up Zoe's alley, since a lot of it was similar to TumbleTastics, but she was very clingy, and they kept rotating between stations faster than she got warmed up to the activity.

She was a bit overwhelmed in the larger group setting in general. Hopefully next week with a bit of preparation before we come (and no Kindergarten) she'll do better.

After we got home, I showed Zoe a balloon full of water that I'd put in the freezer. She had a great time smashing it on the balcony. I'll have to do that again.

It's a hot night tonight, I hope Zoe sleeps okay. It was definitely time to bust out the fan.

[03:41] [life] [permalink]