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Andrew Pollock


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Tuesday, 07 October 2014

Day 251: Kindergarten, some more training and other general running around

Yesterday was the first day of Term 4. I can't believe we're at Term 4 already. This year has flown by.

I had a letter from the PAG to all of the Kindergarten parents to put into the notice pockets at Kindergarten first up, so I drove to the Kindergarten not long after opening time, and quickly put them in all the pockets.

Then I headed over to Beaurepaires for a free tyre checkup.

After that, I headed over to my Group Leader's house for some more practical training. I'm feeling pretty confident about my ability to conduct a Thermomix demonstration now, especially after having done my first "real" one on Sunday night.

After that, it was time to pick up Zoe from Kindergarten. It was wonderful to see her after a week away. She wanted to go to Megan's house for a play date, but Megan had tennis, so we went and did the grocery shopping first.

After the grocery shopping, we popped around the Megan's for a bit, and then went home.

I made dinner, and Zoe seemed pretty tired, so I got her to bed a little bit early.

[14:59] [life] [permalink]