Day 244: TumbleTastics, photo viewing, bulk goods and a play in the park
Yesterday was another really lovely day. Zoe had her free trial class with TumbleTastics at 10am, and Zoe was asking for a leotard for it, because that's what she was used to wearing when she went to Gold Star gymnastics in Mountain View. After Sarah dropped her off, we dashed out to Cannon Hill to go to K Mart in search of a leotard.
We found a leotard, and got home with enough time to scooter over to TumbleTastics for the class. Zoe had an absolute ball again, and the teacher was really impressed with her physical ability, and suggested for her regular classes that start next term, that she be slotted up a level. It sounds like her regularly scheduled class will have older kids and more boys, so that should be good. I just love that Zoe's so physically confident.
We scootered back home, and after lunch, drove back to see Hannah to view our photos from last week's photo shoot. There were some really beautiful photos in the set, so now I need to decide which one I want on a canvas.
Since we were already out, I thought we could go and check out the food wholesaler at West End that we'd failed to get to last week. I'm glad we did, because it was awesome. There was a coffee shop attached to the place, so we grabbed a coffee and a babyccino together after doing some shopping there.
While we were out, I thought it was a good opportunity check out a new park, and we drove down to what I guess was Orleigh Park, and had an absolutely fantastic afternoon down there by the river, the shade levels in the mid-afternoon were fantastic. I'd like to make an all day outing one day on the CityCat and CityGlider, and bus one way and take the ferry back the other way with a picnic lunch in the middle.
We headed home after about an hour playing in the park, and Zoe watched a little bit of TV before Sarah came to pick her up.
Zoe's spending the rest of the school holidays with Sarah, so I'm going to use the extra spare time to try and catch up on my taxes and my real estate licence training, which I've been neglecting.