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Andrew Pollock


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Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Day 22, Kindergarten, cleaning and Officeworks outing

Today was my "clean the house" day. I also had a chiropractic adjustment first thing, and a massage before lunch.

I biked to Kindergarten to pick up Zoe, and found her holding court with a bunch of her classmates, giving a show and tell session about the Cinderella snow globe and echidna plush toy she'd taken to Kindergarten. The kids were taking turns to raise their hand and ask questions. I was out of earshot, so I couldn't really make out what was being said, but it all looked very cute from where I was standing. She didn't have a nap today.

Sarah's going down to Tasmania until early next month, hiking, and so I've got Zoe for the next 12 nights. This is the longest she will have been away from her mother by quite a significant amount. On top of this, she's been doing rather poorly at bedtime with me the last few nights I've had her. I wanted to try and minimise the emotional impact for both of us as much as possible, so I wanted to make an Advent-style calendar to count down the number of sleeps until Mummy got back.

After we got home from Kindergarten, we drove over to Officeworks to pick up some bits and pieces. It ended up being quite a long outing because it took a while for me to figure out how to convince the self-service photo printing kiosk to actually print photos.

Zoe parked herself in the kid's colouring area, and she was quite happy there while I went looking for a few things, but after a while wandered off to find me and we spent some time looking for each other. I was pretty impressed with how well she went looking for me. She didn't freak out, and was just wandering around the store looking for me. We had a talk about staying put. Then we called grandma from the carpark to wish her a happy birthday before we headed home.

That ended up being quite a lengthy outing, and I started dinner as soon as we got home. Bedtime actually went quite smoothly tonight for a change. No idea if the poster or the lack of a nap helped or not.

[02:22] [life] [permalink]