Day 16, BJJ, wood working and kinetic sand
It's been quite a busy, varied day today. Lot's of fun as usual.
Zoe has a dentist appointment tomorrow morning, so we went to the Thursday offering of her Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class instead, and skipped Playgroup.
We biked over extra early this morning, to make sure we were on time. There were two other kids in the class today, a 3 year old boy and a 2 and a half year old girl. The class went really well.
We biked home the scenic way again, and grabbed a BBQ chicken for lunch along the way. The box of kinetic sand that I'd ordered was sitting on the doorstep. That still left us with about 45 minutes to kill before lunch, so I thought I'd start on making a second miniature clothes line with Zoe.
Bunnings were selling these little kids safety sets at half price because they were a deleted product, and the set came with proper fitting eye protection, hearing protection and some gloves. The gloves are currently too big, but the glasses and hearing protection is great.
I introduced her to the power drill and the hand saw. She liked drilling, and marking, but mostly was happy just watching. We managed to make most of the top of the clothes line before lunch, and then I whipped up some chicken quesadillas for lunch.
We had a few disruptions during quiet time, so Zoe didn't nap. After quiet time, we did a mix of cleaning up the house a bit, some more wood working, and some self-directed play.
After that, Zoe's friend Mackensie and her little sister came over for a play date after her Kindergarten class. She goes to the same Kindergarten as Zoe, but in the second half of the week.
Mackensie's mum brought me a coffee, and we had some afternoon tea, and then I busted out the kinetic sand. It was a real hit with all the girls, as well as the adults. A very good product. That kept them occupied for a while.
Zoe had found a Wallace and Gromit DVD while we were cleaning up, and she hasn't watched it for a while, so she was very keen to watch it. I told her she could watch it after Mackensie went home, and so we've kicked back on the couch to watch that while we wait for Sarah to arrive.