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Tuesday, 21 March 2006

"Then why'd you move here?"

I'm surprised at how often I've had this response from Americans when I've had a conversation with them, and explained how I've moved from Australia, and describe Canberra. They seem to be very down on their own country.

It's not that bad. I moved here because I wanted to see a bit more of the world, experience the American culture for myself, and to just live in another country. It's not every day you get that sort of opportunity, and seeing a place for a holiday (even an extended one) just isn't the same.

I already know Australia is the greatest country in the world, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded every now and then.

[21:22] [life] [permalink]

Finally, debootstrap for RPM

I love reading about the new packages in Debian Weekly News. It's one of the regular bits of it I always look forward to.

This week, I was very pleased to read about rpmstrap being packaged. Finally, I can create a RedHat chroot to muck around in to test RPM building, without having to resort to running an entire RedHat box (or messing around with virtualising one).

[21:17] [debian] [permalink]