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Saturday, 16 July 2005

Home again, home again...

I can't be arsed blogging specifically about the last two days in San Francisco, because I'm feeling rather worn out right now, but I thought I should mention that I've arrived home safe and sound.

In a nutshell, Wednesday saw me tag along with Marc on a flying lesson, which yielded some nice photos with Mikal's camera, I had my interview, which I was fairly happy with, and we made an expedition into Oakland via the BART from Fremont to attend a Bay-Area Debian dinner meeting and do a spot of keysigning (which I must go and do before I get too much older).

Thursday we checked out of the hotel early, and drove into San Francisco, and did a so-so bus tour of the city for three hours (I was feeling pretty weary, so I didn't get that much out of it apart from a three hour rest). The fog in the middle of summer is really trippy. Then we had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, and took a ferry to Alcatraz for an audio tour. I actually found Alcatraz pretty ordinary. The place is really falling apart.

We then drove to the airport (took us three attempts of doing happy laps of the entire city to get the right exit) and successfully checked in nice and early, after declining to be bumped to a later flight that went via Hong Kong (no thanks, even with the $500 in traveller's cheques). I managed to sleep for most of the 14 hour flight, but didn't feel particularly rested.

For good measure, I had my Buck's night last night, after stepping off the plane that morning, and Sarah had her Hen's night. I was feeling royally stuffed by about 9pm, so I don't think I was a lot of fun, and called it a night at 1am. Sarah partied on till 4am, and it sounds like she had lots of fun.

So, next weekend is the wedding... Eeek. We've got to clean up the place a bit before the hordes of relatives descend upon us.

[21:43] [life] [permalink]