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Sunday, 10 April 2005

I am Andrew The Blogger

I went to see one of my lecturers this morning, as I have this week as well as next week off for linux.conf.au preparations.

Thanks to Steve forwarding one of my previous blog posts to the entire Department, the first thing he asked me was "Are you Andrew the blogger?".

[20:48] [uni] [permalink]

Confucius say: Man who host website on dynamic IP address gonna have bad time

I've been following Dirk Eddelbuettel's dramas with his broadband IP address changing (but hey, they don't call it a dynamic IP address for nothing), and I thought I would write about how I survive on a dynamic IP address. Until I moved house and had an outage of a few weeks of my broadband, I had changelogs.debian.net hosted on the back of my broadband connection without any major problems using this method.

I've been using ADSL since around 2000, and always been on a dynamic IP address. I had previously enjoyed a static IP address on my dialup connection back in the good old days (gee our web design sucked back then).

I have had daedalus.andrew.net.au since around the same time I went broadband. It has always been sitting in a colo facility somewhere, so is subsequently on a static IP address, and it acts as the primary nameserver for my domains.

For secondary DNS, I use a mixture of a free account I have with UltraDNS (from back in the days when it was Secondary.COM), and the member service provided by SAGE-AU.

So my ADSL IP address changes from time to time. My ADSL connection usually drops out and reconnects every 7 to 10 days, usually coming back with a different IP address. I like to maintain home.andrew.net.au pointing at it, so that I can SSH into it from elsewhere.

So in the way of DNS zone files, I have andrew.net.au, which has everything in it, and I have a subdomain (an actual bonafide subdomain in its own zone file) called dyn.andrew.net.au. (I'll explain why in a moment, it's technically not necessary, but convenient to do so). home.andrew.net.au is a CNAME to caesar.dyn.andrew.net.au, and this is the DNS record that I update whenever my ADSL connection "redials".

My ADSL connection is PPPoE, so I use the Roaring Penguin PPPoE software, which just works with pppd. pppd allows you to run arbitrary scripts when the link comes up, so I've written a Perl script to send a signed (TSIG) DNS update request to my nameserver, and dropped it in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/

You have to go for a signed request because the update is coming from dynamic address space. I guess I could have added a huge ACL to my BIND configuration allowing all of the address space for my ISP to be able to send my nameserver dynamic updates, but that's a bit broad for my liking. So instead, I have:

zone "dyn.andrew.net.au" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/master/dyn.andrew.net.au.zone";
        allow-update {
                key zoneupdatekey;
        allow-transfer {

I then create a key with

dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 512 -n ZONE dyn.andrew.net.au
This produces a couple of files like Kdyn.andrew.net.au.+157+43730.key and Kdyn.andrew.net.au.+157+43730.private, which strangely enough seem to contain the same key material, despite one supposedly being private. I add the key material to a key directive in my named.conf:
key zoneupdatekey {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "iBHthjiMEM3gqPaQy1oME9sTp87awUU65s+z9Rd9s3wxfE1BpTzfM0j/qSGKCxfDECKvVxOLyxQP459JAx5IfA==";
(and no, this is a key I generated for the purposes of this blog entry, not my actual key)

This key is also in my script, as is the domain that is being updating, and that is it. The script can be tested by hand by invoking it:

PPP_IFACE=ppp0 PPP_LOCAL= /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns
and this should set the IP address to for the A record in question. The script logs to /var/log/messages on the box it is run on, and /var/log/daemon on the box running BIND will contain some information about how the update request was handled.

caesar.dyn.andrew.net.au has a 5 minute TTL, so the most anyone with a self-respecting caching nameserver should retain the old IP address for when it changes is about 5 minutes. That's good enough for me.

Why did I bother with the whole subdomain thing? The BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual says that you shouldn't edit a dynamic zone file by hand, so you really don't want to mix a zone file that has manually maintained entries with stuff that is updated dynamically. Also, BIND tends to make a bit of a mess of the zone file, so I give it its own zone file to make a mess of, and never touch it myself.

So in summary, home.andrew.net.au is a CNAME to caesar.dyn.andrew.net.au, which is updated dynamically via my script. My script is just a Perl implementation of something you could do with nsupdate and a few lines of shell, by the way.

[20:38] [tech] [permalink]